Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Scenes from a Hat - Acting Game for Ages 7-12






a hat
scenes titles on paper (see suggestions below)

How to play

1) Copy, cut, and place suggestions below inside the hat, make up your own scenes or ask students to make them up.

2) Tell students they will have a chance to pick a scene title from the hat.

3) Select two students to perform and have them pick one scene title from out of the hat.

4) Teacher reads the scene title for the to students perform. Begin the scene by saying, “AND ACTION!”

5) When the scene is complete, select another pair to pick from the hat.

6) When everyone has had a turn, the game is complete OR continue to play until all title have been selected.

Scenes in a Hat Suggestions - copy, cut and place in hat.

 Tooth Fairy Diaries
The Pie Eating Contest
The Fortune Teller
The Midnight Burglars
The Ice Show
Adventures in Outer Space
The Missing Birthday Present

A Visit to Grandpa’s House
Lost in the Cave
The Secret Meeting
The Worm Farm
The Great Invention
Mystery Under the Sea
The Runaway
A Day in the Life of a Superhero
The Noisy Neighbor
Stranded on Ghoul Island
The Shipwreck
The Good Deed
The Basketball Blunder

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