Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Crazy Cooking - Acting Game For Ages 7-12




How to play

 1) Ask students to think of their favorite foods.

2) Tell students they will get into groups and perform a scene from a "Crazy Cooking Show" improvising cooking their favorite dishes.

3)Have students break off into groups to discuss their ideas for about five minutes or so.

4)Give each group a turn to present their scene. Tell students that during the scene they will hear the "FREEZE" cue and will be given a "Crazy Cooking Calamity" to add to the scene.

5)Use suggestions below and have fun! 

6)Begin each scene with the lines... "It's time for another episode of Crazy Cooking! (allow audience to clap and cheer) Let's meet our hosts... (students introduce themselves as their cooking personality)"

Note: To encourage additional creativity and greater focus to the scenes, ask students in the audience to raise their hands and share original calamity ideas.

Crazy Cooking Calamities
a sudden attack of poison ivy
getting the hiccups
one of the ingredients explodes
someone gets an injury
a hurricane sweeps in
the ingredients spill all over the floor
fire in the oven
the food tastes really bad
kitchen floor is way too slippery
everyone has to go to the bathroom



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